
Updated:2021-11-02 From:

Announcement regarding the 114th China Stationery Fair

Dear exhibitors, partners, visitors and friends who follow the China Stationary Fair,

The current epidemic situation of the novel coronavirus has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life in China and around the world. The China Stationary Fair has also been closely following the developments of the epidemic situation, and actively maintained close communications with the relevant departments. Protecting your lives and health and that of our employees has always been at the top of our priorities.

Our preparations for the 114th China Stationary Fair at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from June 9th to 11th, 2020, have been proceeding as planned. Meanwhile, we have taken into account the current epidemic situation and have been actively communicating with the relevant government agencies and departments. We are making plans for various situations in case of emergencies to ensure your safety and protect your interests. The China Stationary Fair will strictly abide by the latest requirements from the government and relevant agencies and if necessary adjustments have to be made, we will notify everyone as soon as possible.

The epidemic broke out at the beginning of Chinese New Year, and it happened when human migration was at the highest level for the year. The Chinese Government is dealing with numerous challenges, and have adopted the most comprehensive and stringent preventive/control measures at all levels so that the entire nation is working together to combat the epidemic. We are very grateful for your ongoing care and support for the China Stationery Fair. We understand your concerns, value and appreciate your patience and sympathy. During this crucial hour, the China Stationary Fair will do its best to get through these tough times with its colleagues in the industry, and various sectors across society. We are also confident that the epidemic will end soon. When spring comes, the China Stationary Fair will achieve new heights with the exhibitors, professional audiences, and partners.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our team. Regarding the latest news for the 2020 China Stationary Fair, please follow the announcements on our official website

The China Stationery Fair thanks all of you for your long-term support and sympathy. We hope that this sudden epidemic will end soon, and hope that you and members of your family are safe and sound.


Comexposium-CSF (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

February 3rd, 2020

上一篇: Enterprises from the stationery industry have come to the rescue during the epidemic and the China Stationery Fair has focused on the latest situation. All of us have come together to overcome all the difficulties 下一篇: Preview of the exhibition | Go to the charming Shanghai; gain access to the latest stationery world, and witness the upgrade and transformation of stationery industry in China