Free live streaming platform for experience sharing in stationery industry is coming soon.

Updated:2021-11-02 From:


COVID-19 outbreak has put a brake on the fast development of our industry. During this difficult time, local governments push forward supportive measures. Companies figure out their own ways to maintain operation and offer helping hands to each other. Live streaming stands out to be the light in the darkness. Companies seek cooperation with live streamers with personal brands and make a killing through live steaming even in the tough time. Facing difficulties, companies have no choice but searching for new channels of sales and ramping up digitalization. Live streaming, as the light in the darkness, is prized by all industries.


Unlike B2C, B2B live streaming focuses not on traffic, but on acquiring target customers for future business. According to statistics, the market cap of B2B live streaming and mobile live streaming is estimated to rise tremendously to 28.51 billion yuan in 2020, and the user base will reach 678 million people.



As an old saying goes, to teach someone how to fish is better than to give him fish. After in-depth study on live streaming, we decide to help the industry in a way that may surprise a lot of people– launch a live streaming platform for experience sharing in stationery industry.


We make this bold attempt in hope that the platform can connect companies in this industry from all around China, from home and abroad. Through the platform, participants disseminate the culture of their companies and brands, share experience, put forward ideas and suggestions and join force to rise to challenges. Companies can explore new crossover marketing opportunities with bookstores, education industry and through authorization on this platform.


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