Comexposium-CSF (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Comexposium-CSF (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Comexposium Group, one of the world-leading trade fair organizers. At Comexposium, our business is to create connections. Globally, face to face and digitally, we bring people together to meet and do business Comexposium is one of the world’s leading event organizers. Globally, it hosts more than 135 B2B and B2B2C events across many different sectors, significantly in agriculture, construction, fashion, food, health, leisure, real estate, retail, security, students, tourism, and works council. At events, in over 30 countries, Comexposium welcomes more than 3,5 million visitors and 48,000 exhibitors annually. Headquartered in France, Comexposium’s employees and sales network operate in 20 countries. Comexposium aims to be seen as the place to be, building bridges between people and business.


China Commerce Association for General Merchandise

China Commerce Association for General Merchandise (CCAGM) was officially established in January, 1990 with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is an industry association with the status of legal person as a social organization under the guidance of China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) and the Ministry of Commerce. The Association is a national non-profit organization voluntarily composed of enterprises and institutions, syndications and individuals of varied ownership forms and business forms, which are engaged in circulation, manufacturing, services, R&D, and cultural and educational activities of consumer goods. The Association has nearly 800 corporate members, including large and medium-sized department stores, retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers of daily use industrial goods, and those serving for the general merchandise industry. The members are located all over the country, representing a variety of ownership forms; and it has more than 60 group members, including provincial and municipal associations of the general merchandise business, trade associations and cross-regional general merchandise business federations, serving as links between the Association and nearly 18,000 indirect members.
